I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
Monday, November 12, 2007 @ 4:15 PM

So here I am waiting for my lecture which starts at 5pm. I'm getting tired. Actually slept during my tutorial cause the teacher was going on and on and on.

So anyways, I'm just wondering how many have read my last post? If you haven't, here's a brief introduction to what it is.


Yea, it's true. If you don't believe me, you can just check out the link and read all about it. Man, it must be pretty emberrasing to be "raped" by your pet. I'm not a big fan of people humping animals or trying to get humped by animals too.

So yes, in my utter boredom that I am experiencing right now, this is all I have to say. You do realize that to make up for my lack of blogging recently I'm posting snippets here and there at different times when I feel like it? I'm trying to get back into the mood that I have lost.

My birthday passed 6 days ago. Who still owe me presents ah?