Just what am I doing?
My time has been taken up by a mountain of things. Schoolwork and events.
Events that I never did sign up for. Not that I'm not grateful for the opportunities that is.
Board of Governers Meeting? I didn't sign up for that.
Pre-U Seminar? Never had any prior knowledge of it till I got a call that I was selected.
Exams are coming, and I'm supposed to be studying.
AND on the other hand, I'm dealing with a relationship that's barely hanging, a friend that has started smoking again and a dear that's coping with her life thats broken in pieces slowly infront of her.
Why am I trying to be Superman when I don't even have enough time for myself anymore?
Maybe because I'm really Batman!
To the Bat Cave for some serious notes-doing and studying!
Who wants to be my R0bin?