I wear this crown of thorns upon my liar's chair full of broken thoughts I cannot repair
Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 2:43 PM dsvdsg.
I'm sorry but I can't bring myself to write a proper post when I'm feeling emotional...
Insecure, emotional...
I'm not wanting to control you but what you did really was something that I had forseen through my insecurities...
I'm still not myself...
Thursday, February 28, 2008 @ 9:24 AM gfnfgm.
I've nothing much to say.
Thinking of moving to LiveJournal...
By the way,
HOW COULD A FREAKING TERRORIST ESCAPE OUR SUPPOSEDLY HIGHLY GUARDED DETENTION CENTRE?!? There are no reports of how he escaped either on today's newpaper or the news report.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 @ 6:59 PM dsfahdfh.
The 2 reasons why I can't seem to study properly for this year's exams. (Besides the fact that I'm lazier and more slack)
1) The sitcom, 2 and a Half Men.
I'm at Season 3 now. Season 1 and 5 are priceless! Yes, I've been spending more time watching this show more then studying.
2) I blame my handphone, mp3 player and Windows Media Player.
Though I set them to play randomly, I keep getting the song, "Low" by Flo-Rida. The beat is infectious, the chorus is hot and I just find myself moving to it.
Ok, this post is a waste of time. I couldn't think of anything to talk about and I do NOT want to be questioned about my exams.
Sorry folks...
Ok, I'm gonna shut down my laptop now so that I have the whole night to study.
Sunday, February 24, 2008 @ 1:18 PM lkjhg.
Now that I think of it, I think Syed is much more "professional".
Like Mast has tagged, with a name like Alwi, people have been calling me Kiwi, Pipi, Wiwi, Sawi...
But what can they call me now if I use Syed? Syed, syed, the papaya head?
My mother's running amok again outside. I feel safer in my room. My room's like the Batcave to Batman, the Fortress of Solitude to Superman, the dirt mound that the Teletubbies call home.
What happened to the Teletubbies anyway?
Saturday, February 23, 2008 @ 11:02 PM dsgdsg.
I shall it to all right now.
I don't know if most of you know this, but there are probably a billion anti-Islam comments on Youtube and probably a hundred maybe thousands videos denouncing the Islam faith. Well, it's all good in their country since they're protected by the first admendment which is basically, Freedom of Speech.
At what line do we draw Freedom of Speech and complete racism? In Singapore, we don't have Freedom of Speech. Heck, we don't even have the Freedom to be Different but at least we're warming up to that.
Here's the deal here. There was 1 comment I read that said that the "Syeds" are slave drivers and some utter rubbish. Unfortunately, my laptop has a mind on its own and decided to shut down the webpage due to a Flash problem. ( I was stacking up many videos of 2 and a half men)
Well, I'm surprised people usually call me Syed. Well, maybe its an easier name to pronounce and they are clueless about the meaning. If you must know, Syed translated from Arabic, means Sir. Syed is a honorific title given to the descendents of the Prophet Muhammad.
Don't go all, "So now he thinks he's a bigshot!" on me. It's part of my name and that's its meaning so live with it. Just because my name means Sir, doesn't mean that I expect people to bow down to me, fall on my feet and kiss my ring. I'd be a teacher if I wanted that kind of treatment. =)
So, to all those who now know my name, don't stay away from me. I probably should have told you not to call me Syed, but people have been calling me that since secondary school.
I'm still a nice guy. Just have a Sir attached to my name which is actually Alwi.
If you wanna practise on how to pronounce my real name, it's Al-wee though most people end up pronouncing it as El-wee which really pisses me off.
First we had Prabaganda (something an old friend had on a play of his name).
Then we had SHIFFAism.
Well now, witness the birth of....
SYEDcentric I was chatting online and telling how this person had Prabaganda and that person had SHIFFAism. And apparently, I've been told that I'm eccentric in the way I post my entries as well as some of my jokes.
Who knew?
I realized that most of my links, DO NOT BLOG! The only people who occassionaly blog there now are Mel, Cynthia (at times), Fir (at times too), Mast and Shiffa.
And I now know that people who actually visit this blog of mine do NOT tag.
Maybe I should put up a counter so that I actually know how many views I'm getting.
Maybe I will...
Thursday, February 21, 2008 @ 9:44 PM dgsdg.
Once again, here we are.
I'm boring cause I don't have time for you.
I'm uncaring because I'm sleepy.
I don't care because I don't reply to your SMSes.
I'm unfair because I come late.
Between the stress I feel and the depression that consumes me because of this, I think that since I'm boring, I'll show you how not boring I really am.
I don't wanna meet you. But if there's any other person that's willing to meet me to study together or just to accompany each other this Saturday, please SMS me or leave a tag.
I'm not going to be out with someone who talks to me that way. This isn't the first time.
So, if you really feel like helping me out, please post.
Fir, you're not allowed cause you're a guy that she's already close to and won't mind.
Preferably a girl please...
I'll show you...
@ 8:35 PM sdgsg.
Just what am I doing?
My time has been taken up by a mountain of things. Schoolwork and events.
Events that I never did sign up for. Not that I'm not grateful for the opportunities that is.
Board of Governers Meeting? I didn't sign up for that.
Pre-U Seminar? Never had any prior knowledge of it till I got a call that I was selected.
Exams are coming, and I'm supposed to be studying.
AND on the other hand, I'm dealing with a relationship that's barely hanging, a friend that has started smoking again and a dear that's coping with her life thats broken in pieces slowly infront of her.
Why am I trying to be Superman when I don't even have enough time for myself anymore?
Maybe because I'm really Batman!
To the Bat Cave for some serious notes-doing and studying!
Who wants to be my R0bin?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 @ 4:27 PM sdgsdg.
Someone commented during the Pre-U Seminar briefing that Singapore has no freedom of speech. Is this true?
Ouh crap! They could be reading my blog right now! Or they may have even tracked where I live and what websites I've gone too!
Good afternoon sir! I'm humbled if you are actually reading my blog right now. Enjoying your tea? I've always wanted to meet the president and the prime minister for a dialogue of just for tea and snacks. Could you help me set it up since you're so free to read about the life of a regular poly student? =)
I'm really asking for it aren't I?
Monday, February 18, 2008 @ 10:34 PM sick.
This my good people, is a poster from the French Aids Campaign. Sweet ain't it?
SO remember, don't have sex with loads of partners unprotected or you might just get their poison.
“There is nothing safe about sex. There never will be.” (Norman Mailer)
Now the picture below, mkes me re-think the whole concept of dirty sex....
I'm not gonna bathe for a few days. Who wants me?
@ 10:11 PM studying.
My day of studying.
(I still can't shake off the novelty of finally having a handphone that can take decent pictures!)
My messy study area at school. This is just a small mess mind you. You should have seen the sea of notes late into the day.
Ahh. My favourite purple mechanical pencil holder has snapped off due to my frustrations while doing QMethods which is a form of statistics.
I got this when I rested my arm on my calculator. Error 4? Time to get a new calculator I think...
QMethods = Formulas! Lots of them!
Currently trying to take a cool picture of a present I received. Not really working out though. Maybe I'll just post what I have later when I finally give up.
@ 10:40 AM EXAM.
Well Exams are coming.
Enough said...
Sunday, February 17, 2008 @ 10:23 PM weg.
2 posts in 1 day! Lets get this moving.
My hair has grown ridiculously long in my opinion. It gets harder to comb and it's extremely curly as well. I however, have refused to get my hair shortened at the local barber.
Because an incident involving 1 of their barbers has marred my experience there. Everytime before I enter the shop, I would look around and see if that bald-headed baloney is in. And if he is, I would make a u-turn and go do something else.
He shaved me almost bald a few months back. I sat down on his chair and he started talking about how he's new and all but I trusted my hair in his hands cause the barbers there had always given me decent haircuts. I told him how I wanted my hair to be cut and he asked me if I wanted my hair short. Well of course I want my hair short! Why else would I go to a barber? So as he started his craft, I daydreamed till I noticed that I had actually sat in his chair for almost 40mins and he had yet to use a pair of scissors to cut my fringe. In fact, he had been using the shaver most of the time. Startled, I put my hand to the back of my head to check the shortness and oh my! I was almost bald! I could see the skin through what hair I had left.
I made a conclusion that bald guys shouldn't be barbers or hairdressers as they have no hair and thus will not be able to feel how much some people actually do care about their hair. I then realized what an unfair statement I made seeing how local hairstylist David Gan has made it big. Maybe because he's gay, but that's beside the point.
Now let's take a look at 2 guys who could be potential barbers...
Potential Barber #1 Edward Scissors For Hands
We all know his story. Created by a mad scientist who was lazy enough not to give him hands. Known as the uncommonly gentle man but of course it's uncommon for a man with scissors to be gentle at all.
Well, with scissors for hands, I'm pretty sure he has loads of experience on how to use them.
It helps that his own hair is kinda fashionable as well.
Potential Barber #2
We know his story as well. Experiments conducted on him caused him to have his claws that could be used for cutting hair.
He has a wonderful resume participating in both World Wars as well as being a member of the X-men.
Perharps he would consider a career in hairstyling once he gets tried of all the action he sees. Those claws sure come in handy don't they.
He's known to have a nasty temper so please don't critic him harshly.
Who will you choose?
I'm still not going to have my hair cut yet. I'll just wait till I see that his co-worker is free to do me.
@ 4:00 PM cult.
Valentine's Day Cult at TP?
(14th Feb 2008)
On the 14th of February 2008, our roving reporter, Mr Syed was on his way to class when hypnotic music caught the attention of his ears.
Excited by the prospect of finally having a handphone that could take proper pictures instead of VGA format pictures, he took the following shots.
(Disclaimer: the photos might shock you!)
Oh my! *Claps hands to mouth*
Testing out his zoom function, he managed to focus on the green-head aliens.
According to our reporter, the green-headed aliens are actually a mixture of Spartans, Red Indians and the colour green! And what's that blue dinosaur?
Further testing on his zoom function led to an unexpected find.
It seems that their Big Kahuna is approaching the cage that may have been the prison of a sacrifice that may have already been eaten. And their celebrations still seem to continue as their acts get more erratic.
Testing out his video recording function, Mr Syed managed to capture the cult in the act.
In all, our reporter wasn't able to give a direct explanation for what was going on as he is too busy preparing for Main Exams as well as the coming Pre-U seminar. In all, this is a useless article that deserves to be kept in this blog and not printed on a newspaper.
Thank You.
This is just a joke post. I do think that it is about the coming Chingay parades though.
Don't sue me please. =)
Ok I'm sucking up. But seriously, don't sue me..
Saturday, February 16, 2008 @ 10:27 PM gcfmhj.
I was almost done with my surprise post for you that I had put off doing but I decided to delete it anyway.
Thanks a huge bunch for saying what you said. How wonderful it must make me feel...
Once again....
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 @ 8:29 PM dgs.
Here's my public service to all couples who are gonna celebrate Valentine's Day and have no idea what to do yet.
Friday, February 1, 2008 @ 2:28 AM dfhds.
I know I haven't been sleeping the past few days. I'm constantly on Red Bull now.
But there's 1 person that's been through it all with me. She's been staying awake longer then me. AND shes doesn't drink Red Bull or coffee. She justs stays strong and supports me quietly not complaining.
Thank you Miss Laptop. May we last for a long time...
Friday, February 29, 2008 @ 2:43 PM dsvdsg.
I'm sorry but I can't bring myself to write a proper post when I'm feeling emotional...
Insecure, emotional...
I'm not wanting to control you but what you did really was something that I had forseen through my insecurities...
I'm still not myself...
Thursday, February 28, 2008 @ 9:24 AM gfnfgm.
I've nothing much to say.
Thinking of moving to LiveJournal...
By the way,
HOW COULD A FREAKING TERRORIST ESCAPE OUR SUPPOSEDLY HIGHLY GUARDED DETENTION CENTRE?!? There are no reports of how he escaped either on today's newpaper or the news report.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 @ 6:59 PM dsfahdfh.
The 2 reasons why I can't seem to study properly for this year's exams. (Besides the fact that I'm lazier and more slack)
1) The sitcom, 2 and a Half Men.
I'm at Season 3 now. Season 1 and 5 are priceless! Yes, I've been spending more time watching this show more then studying.
2) I blame my handphone, mp3 player and Windows Media Player.
Though I set them to play randomly, I keep getting the song, "Low" by Flo-Rida. The beat is infectious, the chorus is hot and I just find myself moving to it.
Ok, this post is a waste of time. I couldn't think of anything to talk about and I do NOT want to be questioned about my exams.
Sorry folks...
Ok, I'm gonna shut down my laptop now so that I have the whole night to study.
Sunday, February 24, 2008 @ 1:18 PM lkjhg.
Now that I think of it, I think Syed is much more "professional".
Like Mast has tagged, with a name like Alwi, people have been calling me Kiwi, Pipi, Wiwi, Sawi...
But what can they call me now if I use Syed? Syed, syed, the papaya head?
My mother's running amok again outside. I feel safer in my room. My room's like the Batcave to Batman, the Fortress of Solitude to Superman, the dirt mound that the Teletubbies call home.
What happened to the Teletubbies anyway?
Saturday, February 23, 2008 @ 11:02 PM dsgdsg.
I shall it to all right now.
I don't know if most of you know this, but there are probably a billion anti-Islam comments on Youtube and probably a hundred maybe thousands videos denouncing the Islam faith. Well, it's all good in their country since they're protected by the first admendment which is basically, Freedom of Speech.
At what line do we draw Freedom of Speech and complete racism? In Singapore, we don't have Freedom of Speech. Heck, we don't even have the Freedom to be Different but at least we're warming up to that.
Here's the deal here. There was 1 comment I read that said that the "Syeds" are slave drivers and some utter rubbish. Unfortunately, my laptop has a mind on its own and decided to shut down the webpage due to a Flash problem. ( I was stacking up many videos of 2 and a half men)
Well, I'm surprised people usually call me Syed. Well, maybe its an easier name to pronounce and they are clueless about the meaning. If you must know, Syed translated from Arabic, means Sir. Syed is a honorific title given to the descendents of the Prophet Muhammad.
Don't go all, "So now he thinks he's a bigshot!" on me. It's part of my name and that's its meaning so live with it. Just because my name means Sir, doesn't mean that I expect people to bow down to me, fall on my feet and kiss my ring. I'd be a teacher if I wanted that kind of treatment. =)
So, to all those who now know my name, don't stay away from me. I probably should have told you not to call me Syed, but people have been calling me that since secondary school.
I'm still a nice guy. Just have a Sir attached to my name which is actually Alwi.
If you wanna practise on how to pronounce my real name, it's Al-wee though most people end up pronouncing it as El-wee which really pisses me off.
First we had Prabaganda (something an old friend had on a play of his name).
Then we had SHIFFAism.
Well now, witness the birth of....
SYEDcentric I was chatting online and telling how this person had Prabaganda and that person had SHIFFAism. And apparently, I've been told that I'm eccentric in the way I post my entries as well as some of my jokes.
Who knew?
I realized that most of my links, DO NOT BLOG! The only people who occassionaly blog there now are Mel, Cynthia (at times), Fir (at times too), Mast and Shiffa.
And I now know that people who actually visit this blog of mine do NOT tag.
Maybe I should put up a counter so that I actually know how many views I'm getting.
Maybe I will...
Thursday, February 21, 2008 @ 9:44 PM dgsdg.
Once again, here we are.
I'm boring cause I don't have time for you.
I'm uncaring because I'm sleepy.
I don't care because I don't reply to your SMSes.
I'm unfair because I come late.
Between the stress I feel and the depression that consumes me because of this, I think that since I'm boring, I'll show you how not boring I really am.
I don't wanna meet you. But if there's any other person that's willing to meet me to study together or just to accompany each other this Saturday, please SMS me or leave a tag.
I'm not going to be out with someone who talks to me that way. This isn't the first time.
So, if you really feel like helping me out, please post.
Fir, you're not allowed cause you're a guy that she's already close to and won't mind.
Preferably a girl please...
I'll show you...
@ 8:35 PM sdgsg.
Just what am I doing?
My time has been taken up by a mountain of things. Schoolwork and events.
Events that I never did sign up for. Not that I'm not grateful for the opportunities that is.
Board of Governers Meeting? I didn't sign up for that.
Pre-U Seminar? Never had any prior knowledge of it till I got a call that I was selected.
Exams are coming, and I'm supposed to be studying.
AND on the other hand, I'm dealing with a relationship that's barely hanging, a friend that has started smoking again and a dear that's coping with her life thats broken in pieces slowly infront of her.
Why am I trying to be Superman when I don't even have enough time for myself anymore?
Maybe because I'm really Batman!
To the Bat Cave for some serious notes-doing and studying!
Who wants to be my R0bin?
Tuesday, February 19, 2008 @ 4:27 PM sdgsdg.
Someone commented during the Pre-U Seminar briefing that Singapore has no freedom of speech. Is this true?
Ouh crap! They could be reading my blog right now! Or they may have even tracked where I live and what websites I've gone too!
Good afternoon sir! I'm humbled if you are actually reading my blog right now. Enjoying your tea? I've always wanted to meet the president and the prime minister for a dialogue of just for tea and snacks. Could you help me set it up since you're so free to read about the life of a regular poly student? =)
I'm really asking for it aren't I?
Monday, February 18, 2008 @ 10:34 PM sick.
This my good people, is a poster from the French Aids Campaign. Sweet ain't it?
SO remember, don't have sex with loads of partners unprotected or you might just get their poison.
“There is nothing safe about sex. There never will be.” (Norman Mailer)
Now the picture below, mkes me re-think the whole concept of dirty sex....
I'm not gonna bathe for a few days. Who wants me?
@ 10:11 PM studying.
My day of studying.
(I still can't shake off the novelty of finally having a handphone that can take decent pictures!)
My messy study area at school. This is just a small mess mind you. You should have seen the sea of notes late into the day.
Ahh. My favourite purple mechanical pencil holder has snapped off due to my frustrations while doing QMethods which is a form of statistics.
I got this when I rested my arm on my calculator. Error 4? Time to get a new calculator I think...
QMethods = Formulas! Lots of them!
Currently trying to take a cool picture of a present I received. Not really working out though. Maybe I'll just post what I have later when I finally give up.
@ 10:40 AM EXAM.
Well Exams are coming.
Enough said...
Sunday, February 17, 2008 @ 10:23 PM weg.
2 posts in 1 day! Lets get this moving.
My hair has grown ridiculously long in my opinion. It gets harder to comb and it's extremely curly as well. I however, have refused to get my hair shortened at the local barber.
Because an incident involving 1 of their barbers has marred my experience there. Everytime before I enter the shop, I would look around and see if that bald-headed baloney is in. And if he is, I would make a u-turn and go do something else.
He shaved me almost bald a few months back. I sat down on his chair and he started talking about how he's new and all but I trusted my hair in his hands cause the barbers there had always given me decent haircuts. I told him how I wanted my hair to be cut and he asked me if I wanted my hair short. Well of course I want my hair short! Why else would I go to a barber? So as he started his craft, I daydreamed till I noticed that I had actually sat in his chair for almost 40mins and he had yet to use a pair of scissors to cut my fringe. In fact, he had been using the shaver most of the time. Startled, I put my hand to the back of my head to check the shortness and oh my! I was almost bald! I could see the skin through what hair I had left.
I made a conclusion that bald guys shouldn't be barbers or hairdressers as they have no hair and thus will not be able to feel how much some people actually do care about their hair. I then realized what an unfair statement I made seeing how local hairstylist David Gan has made it big. Maybe because he's gay, but that's beside the point.
Now let's take a look at 2 guys who could be potential barbers...
Potential Barber #1 Edward Scissors For Hands
We all know his story. Created by a mad scientist who was lazy enough not to give him hands. Known as the uncommonly gentle man but of course it's uncommon for a man with scissors to be gentle at all.
Well, with scissors for hands, I'm pretty sure he has loads of experience on how to use them.
It helps that his own hair is kinda fashionable as well.
Potential Barber #2
We know his story as well. Experiments conducted on him caused him to have his claws that could be used for cutting hair.
He has a wonderful resume participating in both World Wars as well as being a member of the X-men.
Perharps he would consider a career in hairstyling once he gets tried of all the action he sees. Those claws sure come in handy don't they.
He's known to have a nasty temper so please don't critic him harshly.
Who will you choose?
I'm still not going to have my hair cut yet. I'll just wait till I see that his co-worker is free to do me.
@ 4:00 PM cult.
Valentine's Day Cult at TP?
(14th Feb 2008)
On the 14th of February 2008, our roving reporter, Mr Syed was on his way to class when hypnotic music caught the attention of his ears.
Excited by the prospect of finally having a handphone that could take proper pictures instead of VGA format pictures, he took the following shots.
(Disclaimer: the photos might shock you!)
Oh my! *Claps hands to mouth*
Testing out his zoom function, he managed to focus on the green-head aliens.
According to our reporter, the green-headed aliens are actually a mixture of Spartans, Red Indians and the colour green! And what's that blue dinosaur?
Further testing on his zoom function led to an unexpected find.
It seems that their Big Kahuna is approaching the cage that may have been the prison of a sacrifice that may have already been eaten. And their celebrations still seem to continue as their acts get more erratic.
Testing out his video recording function, Mr Syed managed to capture the cult in the act.
In all, our reporter wasn't able to give a direct explanation for what was going on as he is too busy preparing for Main Exams as well as the coming Pre-U seminar. In all, this is a useless article that deserves to be kept in this blog and not printed on a newspaper.
Thank You.
This is just a joke post. I do think that it is about the coming Chingay parades though.
Don't sue me please. =)
Ok I'm sucking up. But seriously, don't sue me..
Saturday, February 16, 2008 @ 10:27 PM gcfmhj.
I was almost done with my surprise post for you that I had put off doing but I decided to delete it anyway.
Thanks a huge bunch for saying what you said. How wonderful it must make me feel...
Once again....
Tuesday, February 12, 2008 @ 8:29 PM dgs.
Here's my public service to all couples who are gonna celebrate Valentine's Day and have no idea what to do yet.
Friday, February 1, 2008 @ 2:28 AM dfhds.
I know I haven't been sleeping the past few days. I'm constantly on Red Bull now.
But there's 1 person that's been through it all with me. She's been staying awake longer then me. AND shes doesn't drink Red Bull or coffee. She justs stays strong and supports me quietly not complaining.
Thank you Miss Laptop. May we last for a long time...
In the middle of the journey of our life,
I found myself again in [or through] a dark wood,
[so dark] that the straight way was utterly lost.
Alas how hard it is to say what it was like,
this savage and sharp and strong forest,
which even in thought renews my fear!
So bitter was it that death is little moreso;
but in order to speak of the good that I found there,
I'll tell of the other things I saw there. - The Inferno, Canto 1